A woman with exotic brown skin and long black hair is swimming in a pool wearing a black bikini and purple flowers in her ears enjoying wellness and sustainability at Deep Roots Nusa Penida.

How Are Wellness and Sustainability Perceived by Hotels in Bali? [Podcast with Deep Roots Nusa Penida]

Bali, often known as the Island of the Gods, has always been a destination for travelers who are captivated by its stunning landscapes and rich culture. But these days, Bali is not just about cultural scenic views. Bali has evolved into a hotspot for wellness and sustainability.

This shift is a response to the changing mindset of travelers who not only seek unique experiences but also prioritize their impact on the environment and society. 

In this new travel era, Deep Roots Nusa Penida stands out as an example of how sustainability and wellness can coexist and attract environmentally-aware travelers.

Deep Roots is not just another player in the Balis hotel industry; it embodies the essence of luxury by combining ecological responsibility with holistic well-being. 

Their unwavering commitment to these values is demonstrated through actions and results making them an ideal candidate to explore wellness and sustainability growth within Balis hospitality sector.

We recently chatted with David and Louisa, the founders of Deep Roots Nusa Penida, on our podcast to gain insights into Deep Roots principles and practices. 

Dive into our conversation and explore the intricate challenges and opportunities of wellness and sustainability in Bali, all through the lens of Deep Roots Nusa Penida’s unique experiences and vision!

Evaluating Sustainability Practices in Bali’s Hotel Industry: Good or Bad?

Bali, being a tourist destination, faces several environmental challenges that often come with its fame. The island deals with sustainability issues, such, as managing water and handling waste disposal complexities. 

Moreover, the large number of visitors puts strain on its natural resources and infrastructure. That is why it’s so inspiring to witness the spirit of resilience and innovation thriving amidst these obstacles. 

Many stakeholders in the industry have transitioned from being observers to seeking and implementing solutions. Collaborations, investments in technologies, and a genuine dedication to tourism are leading to noticeable positive changes in the Balis hospitality industry. Although achieving sustainability is a challenging journey these conscious efforts indicate a promising and responsible future for tourism on the island.

This can be seen in how many hotels in Bali have a growing number of eco-friendly and sustainable hotels that cater to conscious travelers.

Around the globe, there is a shift happening in the hospitality industry. Sustainability is no longer an extra; it has become the very foundation of modern hotel management. Recent surveys and market studies clearly show this transformation. 

For example, an astounding 78% of travelers now express a preference for eco accommodations highlighting the growing awareness and demand for conscious hospitality. This is not just a passing trend, but a significant change driven by increasing concerns and travelers desire to minimize their impact.

In Bali hotels and resorts now understand the need for sustainable practices. These practices resonate with travelers’ values and ensure the destinations’ long-term health. 

Sustainability in Bali’s hospitality sector goes beyond merely meeting customer expectations. It’s a commitment to securing the industry’s future and preserving the charm of beloved travel destinations for future generations.

A group of women doing yoga poses provided by Deep Roots Nusa Penida.

Bali, often known as the “Wellness Capital ” is more than a nickname. It truly reflects the island’s increasing reputation as a sanctuary for well-being and rejuvenation. With its landscapes and peaceful atmosphere, Bali provides the setting for those seeking respite from their busy lives.

More and more visitors are coming to Bali for wellness breaks. They’re looking for yoga classes, meditation retreats, and spa days that refresh their minds and bodies.

The market for wellness tourism worldwide increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of -0.2%, from $821.75 billion in 2022 to $819.9 billion in 2023. At a compound annual growth rate of 9.5%, the wellness tourism industry is projected to reach $1178.93 billion by 2027

Bali plays a role in this growth by attracting wellness enthusiasts from all corners of the world. The island’s unique combination of nature’s beauty, traditional healing practices, and modern wellness facilities positions it as a leader in this trend affirming its status as the Wellness Capital.

How Does Deep Roots Nusa Penida Maintain Wellness and Sustainability as a Resort?

Deep Roots Nusa Penida isn’t just another hotel. They want to stand as a leader in green and healthy living. Their commitment to sustainability runs deep, setting them apart from others in ways. Right from the start they prioritize eco construction methods that are good for nature. They also run their hotel in an eco-friendly way. 

Deep Root’s dedication doesn’t stop at the infrastructure – it extends to their operations. Their menu is filled with sourced ingredients that not only satisfy taste buds but also support the local community and reduce their carbon footprint.

Deep Roots also trains its staff in ways that protect nature and local traditions. They show other hotels how to be green and respect local culture. They don’t just talk about being green; they live it. And they set an example for others to follow.

Wellness, or feeling good in body and mind, is also a big deal at Deep Roots. They mix old and new ways to help guests relax and feel good. Guests can go scuba diving, not just to see fish but to connect with the sea. Their yoga classes are special too. They’re not just about stretching but finding inner calm.

Here’s what makes Deep Roots special in wellness:

  • Tailored Wellness Journeys: Deep Roots recognizes that each guest is unique and offers personalized wellness programs. These may include plans for thoughtfully curated spa treatments or guided meditation sessions ensuring an individualized experience.
  • Conscious Retreats: Deep Roots seamlessly integrates sustainability into its wellness offerings. Guests can engage in activities that rejuvenate them while having an impact on the environment such as garden tours or eco-friendly spa treatments.
  • Cultural Immersion: True well-being extends beyond health. At Deep Roots, guests can delve into Balis tapestry by participating in traditional healing ceremonies or learning about local legends—an enriching bridge between well-being and cultural understanding.

Read more: 9 Crucial & Effective Moves Towards Sustainability in Hospitality Industry

Balancing Challenges and Opportunities in Bali’s Wellness and Sustainable Tourism

A couple swimming in the pool facing each other enjoying the sunset and wellness and sustainability in Bali.

In Bali’s hospitality scene, there’s a growing demand for both luxury and eco-friendly experiences. This presents two significant challenges:

  • Balancing Luxury with Sustainability: How can hotels offer top-notch experiences without compromising on environmental values?
  • Resource Management: With more tourists flocking to Bali, managing resources like water, waste, and energy becomes even more vital.

The good news is that advancements in technology are aiding hotels in reducing their environmental impact, making it possible to cater to more guests without harming the environment.

Additionally, there’s also a change in how people view travel. Today’s travelers want more than just luxury. They’re looking for experiences that educate and enlighten them.

This trend gives Bali’s hotels a chance to blend luxury with responsibility. Plus, with a growing focus on health and well-being, hotels have the opportunity to offer experiences that go beyond spa treatments or yoga. It’s about creating spaces where guests can truly unwind, recharge, and find balance.


Bali’s hotel industry stands at a pivotal moment. It’s not just about making money anymore. The future is about caring for the environment and giving guests meaningful experiences. 

More travelers are thinking about the environment and want real, genuine experiences. Hotels that understand this can gain an edge. By focusing on sustainability and wellness, they can draw in guests who care more about experiences than just fancy features. 

This approach doesn’t just bring in guests; it also builds strong ties with the local community, uses resources wisely, boosts the hotel’s image, and secures its place in the industry; they’re leading the way to a better, more responsible travel world.

Frequently Asked Questions

To significantly lessen their impact on the environment, sustainable hotels employ green best practices in all areas of operations, including maintenance, services, transportation, commodities, and supplies. Water conservation, energy conservation, and waste reduction are the three basic parts.

To save costs and protect the environment, it is essential to cut energy use without sacrificing the entire guest experience. Hotels may want to think about implementing eco-friendly technologies that increase productivity without sacrificing quality. smart lighting, smart climate control, thermostats, LED bulbs, etc. that use less energy.

Hotels may find it challenging to adopt green practices because the initial expenses of updating or replacing facilities and equipment can be substantial. In addition, employees, visitors, or suppliers could not be aware of or knowledgeable about green technologies and practices, or they might show opposition or skepticism.

As the global community becomes increasingly interwoven, our choices as travelers and service providers have profound implications. Bali, with its rich tapestry of culture, nature, and spirituality, offers the perfect backdrop for this evolution in the hospitality sector. And establishments like Deep Roots Nusa Penida are lighting the path. 

For more insightful discussions and hospitality industry insights tune into our other podcasts on our YouTube channel now!

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