a female hotel guest wearing a white blouse, jeans shorts, and sunglasses, sitting on a white hotel bed as she travels to voice the hotel guest booking process.

Proven Hotel Guest Booking Process via Google Ads: How Quickly Do Guests Book?

In today’s paced world online advertising has become an essential element for the hospitality industry. It’s no longer about having a presence on the internet; it’s about understanding the decisions and interactions that shape a traveler’s journey. 

From the desire to explore that triggers a search to comparing amenities and prices and finally deciding where to stay booking a hotel involves a complex process of gathering information, being persuaded, and making choices. With strategies in place, they can position themselves precisely when potential guests are most open to their offerings. 

Additionally, as guests navigate the booking process they leave behind footprints. When properly analyzed and acted upon these insights can empower hotels to refine their approaches, personalize their communication efforts, and consistently meet. 

Or even surpass—the evolving expectations of their customers. Mastering the intricacies of the hotel guest booking process in the era of advertising is not a strategic maneuver but rather an essential element for establishing enduring relationships, in a world that prioritizes digital interactions.

The Vital Role of Google Ads in Hospitality Marketing 

a female receptionist wearing an army green suit with shoulder-length brown hair is managing the hotel guest booking process along with her co-worker who is calling a guest.

In today’s digital age, where most of our decisions start with an online search, Google has firmly established itself as a crucial partner for businesses, especially in the bustling hospitality industry.

Recognizing the unique needs of hotels and resorts to connect with potential guests, Google has introduced a specialized set of tools designed to bridge the gap between these establishments and eager travelers. Among these tools, Google Ads truly shines. It’s not just about reaching a broad audience; what sets Google Ads apart is its remarkable ability to target specific individuals who are most likely to be interested in a particular hotel or destination.

By understanding user behaviors, preferences, and search histories, Google Ads customizes advertisements to reach those guests who are actively seeking accommodations that align with their preferences. But Google doesn’t stop there; it takes this innovation even further with Google Hotel Ads. In the vast sea of information, travelers can easily feel overwhelmed or lost. However, with Google Hotel Ads acting as a bridge between guests and hotels, this challenge is effectively addressed. When a traveler expresses interest, they aren’t redirected to a lengthy webpage. Instead, they are seamlessly directed to the hotel’s booking page, ensuring clarity and convenience.

Read more: Google Hotel Ads Guide: A Comprehensive Guide For Hoteliers 2023

Every action taken by a guest online tells a story. Whether it’s simply clicking on a website entering a search query or exploring hotel sites each step leaves behind traces of their journey. Understanding this map, the ‘search intent,’ is like having a key to hotels. Are they in search of a spa retreat? A budget-friendly room? A family-oriented resort? Once hotels grasp this information they can display tailored advertisements that align with these needs at the right moment. 

By delivering relevant ads, hotels aren’t merely bombarding guests with information in hopes of the best outcome. Instead, the aim is to not only provide relevance but also leave a lasting impact on users, ensuring that they think about your brand with their needs, preferences, and desires

Why is this important? Users often embark on a multi-stage journey to fully understand and connect with a product, brand, or service before making a purchase or buying decision, especially in the dynamic hospitality industry.

To provide a concrete example, let’s examine our real client’s booking flow :

An image illustrating the data flow of customer bookings generated from Google Ads within the hotel industry

As you can see, the majority of conversions stem from direct and organic search, with a 0-day conversion rate indicating that these conversions occur on the same day the user clicks on your ad.

However, if we take a closer look at the user journey from paid search and organic search, we can see the number of touchpoints (interactions) and the days it took for them to convert from the day they saw the ads to when they visited our client’s website and completed a booking.

Yes, it took more than 28 days before they made a booking! This illustrates the crucial importance of displaying relevant and impactful ads to your target audience while they are still in the search stage.

At each of these stages, hotels have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impression. They can present their advertisements or subtly influence the guest’s choices. 

What excites hotels is that they are not passive observers in this journey; they can actively shape the guest’s decisions with a well-thought-out approach. 

The core concept is recognizing those moments where hotels can truly make a difference and seizing those opportunities to ensure that at every turn, guests feel valued, heard, and understood.

The Advantages of Customer Journey Mapping in the Hospitality Industry

When hotels analyze a customer’s journey, it’s like solving an engaging puzzle. This process involves not just observing a guest’s actions but also discovering ways to improve that journey.

Imagine having a detailed map that traces every step a guest takes, starting from when they first think about going on vacation until they check out of their hotel room. This map serves as a valuable tool for hotels, providing insights and opportunities to infuse their unique charm.

For instance, hotels can extend special offers to guests in the early stages of trip planning or pleasantly surprise them with an upgraded room when they make a booking. This approach goes beyond simply increasing bookings; it’s about ensuring that every guest feels genuinely valued and exceptional. 

Additionally, hotels can use this map to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and identify areas needing improvement. If there’s a drop in bookings during the reservation process, it may suggest that website usability needs enhancement. Ultimately, the goal is crystal clear: to create memorable experiences for each and every guest

Read more: Google Business Profile for Hotel: A Ultimate Guide (2023)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Measuring Google Ads Success in the Hotel Industry

A picture shows a KPI for the hotel guest booking process written in yellow on a small square paper.

In the marketing world, numbers play a role. The measurements often referred to as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) act as signposts along the highway. Let’s break it down:

  • Click-through rates: Think of it as counting how many people enter a store after noticing a sign. If numerous individuals click on an advertisement or link it indicates that it has successfully captured attention.
  • Conversion rates: This involves determining how many of those clicks actually result in bookings. Even better when they decide to stay.
  • Average cost per click: This is akin to calculating the expense of attracting someone’s attention. By understanding this metric hotels can make decisions about where to allocate their resources for outcomes.

When hotels pay attention to these numbers they gain an understanding of their online endeavors performance. It goes beyond putting out advertisements and hoping for the outcome; instead, data is utilized for making intelligent choices. 

By gaining a comprehension of the components of the hotel guest booking process individuals can effectively strategize, economize, and ensure that guests enjoy an exceptional experience throughout their stay.

Challenges and Opportunities in Hotel Marketing Through Google Ads

Using Google as an advertising platform is like tapping into a valuable source of potential guests for hotels. However, much like mining for gold, it’s not always a straightforward process. 

To start, hotels must carefully determine the amount to invest in advertisements. It’s akin to budgeting for an event – overspending may not guarantee desired returns, while underspending could mean missed opportunities with potential guests. In the online advertising arena, hotels find themselves in a bustling marketplace, where each vendor strives to outshine the others.

Furthermore, Google’s continually evolving algorithms determine the placement and timing of ads, posing a challenge for hotels that must remain flexible and adjust their strategies accordingly. Yet, within these challenges lie significant opportunities; they often spark innovative ideas and lead to improved approaches. 

The ultimate objective is crystal clear: it’s not only about securing bookings but also about expanding their market share.

Read more: 9 Common Mistakes in Google Analytics for Hotels (GA4) and How to Avoid Them


When considering the connection between Google Advertising and the process of booking hotel guests it’s like envisioning a partnership. Just as plants and bees collaborate in nature, Google Advertising and the hotel industry have a relationship where they support one another. 

For travelers seeking accommodation, Google Advertising serves as a guide by presenting options, offerings, and insights tailored to their preferences. Conversely, these advertisements provide hotels with an opportunity to showcase their features, exclusive deals and distinctive experiences to guests. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the online realm is constantly evolving—like a flowing river. New technologies emerge, and user behaviors. 

What proved effective yesterday may not be as fruitful tomorrow. Henceforth those involved in the hotel business must not merely jump on the bandwagon. Consistently engage in learning, adaptation, and innovation. The hotels that grasp this perspective—viewing the world not as a marketplace but also as a platform for education and development—are the ones that truly stand out. Over time these are the hotels that will not just endure the impact of the revolution but also leverage it to achieve greater success.

Frequently Asked Questions

For each shown hotel ad, Google Hotel Ads enables for rapid room pricing comparisons. It provides connections to several booking services so users may compare prices.

When a tourist searches for a hotel on Search or Maps, hotel campaigns allow you to place bids for the hotel advertising that shows up. These advertisements can be found in a hotel booking module that can display hotel photographs, amenities, pricing, and a reservation link.

By optimizing your Google Business profile, you’re communicating to Google that you are a relevant search result for those consumers. An optimized Google Business Profile can increase your chances of showing up in Google’s local search results.

Nowadays Google Advertising plays a role in revolutionizing this process by acting as a spotlight that highlights the options for travelers. Essentially it aims to streamline and simplify the hotel guest booking process. As technology continues to evolve and expand hotels will have opportunities to engage with potential guests in meaningful ways. Read more about digital marketing and hospitality tips on our blog site!

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