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How to Increase Engagement on Instagram for Your Brand Awareness

Awareness is how much people know about your brand. Engagement is how people feel and are interested in the product, also how likely they’d be to purchase it or recommend/share it with relatives. When it comes to brand awareness, Instagram is one of the best social media platforms to reach new audiences quickly for your brand. Keep in mind, increasing engagement on Instagram is very important for your brand awareness. So how to do it? In this article, we will discuss how to increase engagement on Instagram for your brand awareness. Let’s get started!

A woman take a notes about how to increase engagement on instagram while enjoy a cup of coffee

The population on Instagram keeps increasing daily. By 2021, Instagram users reach 2 billion per month. The question, however, is how to increase audience engagement on Instagram for your brand awareness?

Brand personality content

The key to increasing your brand awareness through Instagram is consistency. The content you post must be consistent with your overall brand personality. Post images and videos that are in line with the goals of your brand. Any image you post on your Instagram account should serve towards getting the audience to know your business offerings and values.

Boost Instagram followers and like

In order to take full advantage of Instagram, you need to grow your Instagram followers and likes base. Of course, this is not easy. It takes time, effort, patience, and the right strategy to develop this base well. Some brands sometimes want a shortcut, by buying followers. But this will only hurt your brand.

Instagram algorithms are also very smart, they can tell us the difference between fake and real followers. Instagram API is built to remove fake followers automatically. Moreover, these fake followers will not get you engagement or increase your brand visibility. Here are ways you can apply to increase your Instagram followers and likes:

  1. Optimize your Instagram profile. Your profile is important to your Instagram audience. They will decide to follow you after viewing your profile. Make sure your profile clearly states what your brand is and what services or products you offer. Also add some description on your profile, the most important thing is that it is clear and on point with your brand.
  2. Start posting. Start posting good quality content. Audience will not visit or follow your profile if there are no updates and the content you post is not interesting. Even your current followers will unfollow you if your account is not actively posting new content.
  3. Engage related accounts. Social media is a community, and Instagram is no exception. If you want engagement, you have to engage with other brands. Instagram will suggest related accounts to your brand, such as popular brands or influencers in your industry. By interacting with their content, it can help attract the attention of their followers to your account. The option of working with influencers in your industry is the right thing to do too. They can help you create relevant content and engage it with their followers, who are your target audience.
  4. Promote your Instagram account on other social media. Promoting your Instagram account on other social media is a good way to get audience attention and maybe get them interested in following your Instagram account. For example, you can share your Instagram content to other popular social media platforms like Facebook. Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook page will increase the number of audience who see your posts. When you post content on your Instagram account then you will get the option to share the content on Facebook too, this is an advantage to reach a wider audience!

Brand hastag

Branded hashtags are a great strategy for audience engagement and they can learn about your brand. Apart from that, using branded hashtags can also create a community around your brand. When creating a branded hashtag, it is important to keep it simple and easy for the audience to remember. Keep branded hashtags specific and also around the topic of your brand, of course, the hashtags you create must be of interest and interest to your target audience

Create content post schedule

It is important to regularly post content that is consistent with the personality of your brand. Scheduling content posts will let your followers know when to expect content from you. This will help you get more engagement on your Instagram account. Keep in mind, it would be nice not to overdo it in sharing content every day.

The Reasons Why You Should Start to Boost Your Instagram Followers And Like

someone who likes a post on instagram which is one of the reasons for how to increase engagement on instagram

Increasing your Instagram followers and likes is one good step to increase audience engagement for your brand awareness. As an Instagram user, it’s as simple as this: The more followers and likes, the better and more convincing a brand is. Then it’s important that you start increasing your Instagram followers and likes, here’s why:

Earn income

High Instagram followers and likes can also generate opinions, for two reasons: First, you have shown that your brand has high trust in customers. So people will assume that your business is good and safe to make transactions. Second, an attractive Instagram profile that gets a lot of attention is a good opportunity to promote or collaborate with other brands, of course, this can be an additional income.

Higher brand recognition

Of course, having lots of followers and likes on Instagram shows that a number of people already know your brand. This will also influence in order for people to, perhaps, they should also know your brand. But keep in mind, it’s important to always post good quality content so your audience doesn’t think the engagement is “fake”.

Drive traffic to other social media

By growing your engagement in one social media profile, it can drive traffic to other social media channels. By starting to increase your Instagram followers and likes, you will trigger a social proof chain that will not only impact this platform, it will also encourage the audience to take a look at your other social media accounts like Facebook.

It has become important to increase engagement on Instagram for your brand awareness. With the ways to increase engagement on Instagram that have been described in this article, maybe you will consider the power of Instagram marketing for your brand awareness, especially by starting to boost your Instagram followers and likes because this will be one of the important points. However, if you are still confused about how to do it technically, kindly contact SATUVISION immediately for consultation and further information!

Andi is a Bachelor of Business Hospitality who has an interest in working especially in the marketing and business management. He has several achievements in competitions of Business Plan, Marketing Plan, and Tourism Plan. Andi has a dream of being able to study abroad to contribute to his village.
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