Brand Imagery Is an Important Aspect in Marketing header

Brand Imagery Is an Important Aspect in Marketing

Many of you are already familiar with brand image, but there is another aspect related to this called brand imagery. Brand imagery is an important aspect in creating a positive impression on consumers and maintaining it for your brand. Therefore, building a good brand image is a must. In this article, we will discuss more about brand imagery. Let’s go!

 Complete Explanation: What is Brand Imagery?

As mentioned above, brand imagery is one of the important aspects created by a brand to bring a positive impression to consumers. Brand Imagery is also often referred to as a brand image that represents a brand or company in a visual form.

The logo of the famous shoe brand Nike as it's brand imagery.

Simply, brand imagery can be in the form of visualization of logos, symbols, fonts, or brand colors that represent a brand or company. But in the midst of this modern era, imagery representations of a brand can be seen in the form of billboards, Instagram or Facebook posts, website content, and digital or print advertising media.

In other words, brand imagery is an interaction experience that is felt by the audience or consumers in a visual form. With an industry that moves very fast and produces more and more competitors. It is important to have a brand imagery or brand personality that differentiates your brand and company from others

Brand Image VS Brand Imagery

brand imagery writing in the form of a lamp | brand imagery

Here we will discuss this concern. Although they look similar, these two things have differences. Brand image is the consumer’s view of a brand after directly feeling it (The Branding Journal). Brand image can also be formed from several other factors, such as testimonials from other consumers. If a brand gives a good impression and image to its consumers, this can increase sales because consumers will buy the product or service again and it is best to recommend it to their closest relatives.

However, if the brand image is bad this will result in decreased sales, and also loss of consumers. In other words, brand image can be said as its reputation in the market. In this digital era, brand image can be formed by creating an attractive website, good social media management, and running advertisements for promotion.

Meanwhile, brand imagery is a visualization of the message to be conveyed to consumers of a brand (Elementor). This is done so that consumers have a strong feeling for the brand. It can be said, brand imagery is an effort to communicate a brand to consumers visually in the form of logos, colors, and the characteristics of the brand. For example, when you hear Pepsi, do you remember the round logo with a mix of red and blue colors? When you hear KFC, you will be lightened by the logo in the form of a typical grandfather, right? This is what is called a strong brand imagery towards consumers so that it is directly directed to the brand.

Important Aspects of Brand Imagery

important writing in red | brand imagery

Although visualization looks trivial, in fact when determining brand imagery requires a lot of consideration. All visualizations must represent the overall brand message to consumers. Here we will discuss the important aspects of brand imagery.


Determining the goal in building brand imagery, you should determine the purpose of the visualization that will be displayed to consumers. You have to take into account what value is being sold? Does the brand you offer meet the needs of consumers? Has the message from the visualization been conveyed to consumers?


Like the example of the brand imagery above, Pepsi, by imagining a drink brand with a combination of blue and red colors on the logo, you are definitely focused on that brand, right? That’s the importance of the color aspect in brand imagery. Color is one of the visual aspects that is easy to remember and creates a sense of emotion for consumers.

Logo Shape

The logo has an important role in brand imagery, with its distinctive shape that represents the meaning of the brand so that it is known by the wider community. Combining a logo with a matching color also needs to be considered well.


By choosing the right symbol for your brand, your brand imagery will look more attractive to consumers. In addition, the value of a brand can be formed by choosing this symbol. For example, a sports brand with a fast animal symbol, Puma.


The last one is simple, you certainly don’t want consumers to have a little difficulty in remembering your brand, right? By combining all the above aspects, simplicity is the best visual aspect. Like the example of the “M” logo from McDonald’s, simple and easy to remember by many people.

How to Create a Strong Brand Imagery For Your Business.

Have you ever wondered how brand Aqua always pops up in everyone’s head when they want to buy mineral water?

Yups, that is the result of forming a strong brand imagery. Aqua is an example of a successful brand imagery and maintains its existence from generation to generation.

Forming a strong brand imagery requires consistency and deep knowledge of your brand or company identity.

Here’s a way to create brand imagery that you can do.

Define The Vision & Mission of Your Business

Start by defining Vision & Mission. Sounds simple but Vision & Mission is an important foundation that works as a guide in creating the desired brand imagery of a brand or company.

Does your brand as a cosmetic brand aim to prioritize high-quality or environmental consciousness ? Keep in mind that this decision will influence your brand image significantly.

Create a Design Strategy

I know that marketing strategies are commonly discussed, but it’s essential to note that design strategy is also crucial in establishing a robust brand image.

From making logo design strategies, colors, product & packaging design, it can help strengthen the desired brand image. And of course it is important to ensure these designs are consistent with the values and vision that has been set.

brand imagery colors of Coca-cola, Youtube,Spotify,starbucks,Mc donald, lays.

Create the Right Marketing Strategy & Target Audience

Strengthening your brand imagery can be achieved through effective marketing targeted towards the right audience. This involves developing a strategy that considers the correlation between brand imagery, visual preferences, and audience behavior on digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Read Also: How to Increase Engagement on Instagram

Do Regular Research!

It is also important to carry out regular market research to ensure that your brand imagery is still relevant and in line with consumer wants and preferences. By doing regular research, you can also gain insight into how your brand is being received by your audience.

Tips to Build a Good Brand Imagery

the words "tips" on 4 blocks with a lamp and a pencil on the side | brand imagery

Building brand imagery certainly cannot be arbitrary, it must be in line with the brand identity. Here are tips to build brand imagery from SATUVISION!

Know consumers

First of all, you must know the target consumer before building a brand imagery. Since not everyone will accept the brand message you are about to convey, this is important. Know what is important to your target consumers, what brand values attract them, and what products or services are needed. Knowing consumers makes it easier for you to build brand imagery, besides that the funds you have prepared will be well realized in this brand imagery development resource.

Have unique

Make the uniqueness of your brand that is not found in competitors. Display brand visualizations in an attractive manner, such as by using photos of content taken directly so that it looks natural, creating a unique logo that represents the brand, and illustration content that is in line with your brand because this will become the brand identity.

Do a promotion

Promotion aims to make the brand imagery that you build known to a wide audience, in this digital era promotion can be done through digital marketing content and online advertising. By doing promotions, consumers will be familiar with the brand. So, brand imagery will be increasingly attached to consumers.


The last thing is consistency. Building a brand imagery requires various stages and a lot of time, but it will pay off if you are always consistent in this regard. By maintaining the quality of products or services, brand character, and relationships with consumers, your brand imagery in the eyes of consumers will grow and develop. This can also build consumer loyalty, which is of course always expected by business people.

Why is Brand Imagery Important in Marketing?

Brand imagery plays an important role in marketing, because this will foster strong feelings for consumers which will have an impact on purchases. In building this brand imagery, the reality is that results will not come instantly. But if you can build a positive consumer experience with the brand, it makes repeat purchases possible. And of course, consumers will buy products that are familiar in their minds.

There is no doubt, brand imagery is an important aspect of marketing your business. Although in reality, building this brand imagery takes a lot of time, up and down. However, if you are consistent, serious, and instill a unique value in your brand, this can bring something positive to your brand. Brand imagery is not just a visual that is pleasing to the eye, but how you convey brand values to consumers so as to give them a positive impression. If you have difficulty in building brand imagery, SATUVISION is ready to be a partner in building your business brand imagery!

Andi is a Bachelor of Business Hospitality who has an interest in working especially in the marketing and business management. He has several achievements in competitions of Business Plan, Marketing Plan, and Tourism Plan. Andi has a dream of being able to study abroad to contribute to his village.
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