Satu Vision - How Digitalization Is Shaping Hotel Distribution Strategies in 2023

How Digitalization Is Shaping Hotel Distribution Strategy in [2024]

The rise of digital technology has dramatically impacted the travel and tourism industry, especially the hotel distribution strategy. With Bali being a hotspot for tourists from around the world, hotels must have a solid online presence and utilize various digital marketing and distribution channels to attract diverse clients. This article will explore how digitalization shapes hotel distribution strategies in Bali in 2024.

The Importance of Hotel Distribution Strategy in This Digital Era

Having a solid digital presence is critical to attracting international travelers to Bali. Online platforms act as trusted and transparent conduits for the information that travelers need to book their stay. Authentic online reviews are trusted by 90% of consumers and have helped create a feedback loop that facilitates incremental bookings. As a result, hotels need to ensure that they are visible on various online platforms to maximize their reach.

Fully functional website for a hotel

Someone is checking the fully function website through her white macbook to test how digitalization is shaping hotel distribution strategy in digital era

In today’s digital age, having a solid online presence is critical for businesses across all industries. For hotels, this means having a fully functional website that showcases the property’s amenities and services and allows guests to book their stay easily.

A well-designed hotel website should provide a visually appealing and user-friendly experience for potential guests. This includes a clear layout highlighting important information such as room types, rates, and availability. It should also include high-quality images showcasing the property’s features and amenities and detailed descriptions of each room category.

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, a hotel website must be fully functional. This means ensuring the website is responsive, easily accessed and navigated from any device, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The website should also be optimized for search engines to appear at the top of relevant search results when potential guests are searching for accommodations in the area.

One of the essential features of a hotel website is its booking engine. This system allows guests to reserve rooms and other services directly through the website. A well-designed booking engine should be easy to use and provide guests with a seamless booking experience. It should also integrate with the hotel’s property management system to ensure accurate and up-to-date availability of information.

Overall, a fully functional website is essential for hotels looking to establish a solid digital presence and attract guests in today’s competitive marketplace. By investing in a well-designed and user-friendly website, hotels can differentiate themselves from the competition and provide guests with a positive and memorable experience from the beginning of their journey.

Google My Business

google my business help hotel business on their online presence for google search engine result page

Google My Business (GMB) is a valuable tool to help hotels improve their digital presence and attract potential guests. GMB is a free online platform provided by Google that allows hotels to manage their online presence on Google, including their listing on Google Maps, Google Search, and Google Reviews.

By claiming and optimizing their GMB listing, hotels can provide accurate and up-to-date information about their property, such as location, contact details, business hours, website, and photos. This information can help potential guests find and choose the hotel and improve the hotel’s ranking in local search results.

Moreover, GMB allows hotels to engage with guests by responding to their reviews, answering their questions, and posting updates and offers. This can help hotels build a positive online reputation and foster customer loyalty.

To get started with GMB, hotels need to create a Google account, sign in to their existing one, and then verify their business information through a verification code or a phone call. Once their listing is verified, hotels can fill in their profile information, upload photos, and manage their reviews and messages.

Overall, using GMB can be a valuable part of a hotel’s digital marketing strategy, as it can help them reach and engage with potential guests in a cost-effective and user-friendly way. By leveraging GMB along with other digital tools and tactics, hotels can adapt to the changing landscape of online travel and tourism and stay ahead of the competition.

The Role of Online Platforms

Online platforms have revolutionized the way travelers book their stays. In 2019, online platforms generated 134 million incremental bookings in Europe, representing 11% of all bookings made. This symbiotic relationship between accommodations and online platforms is widely recognized, with 80% of independent accommodations agreeing that online platforms increase their total number of sales.

The Benefits of Online Platforms

Participating in online platforms like OTA can have a statistically positive effect on the profitability of hotels. Online platforms help unlock bookings that would not have happened, resulting in incremental bookings. Empty rooms are a significant risk for hotels, and online platforms help mitigate this risk by unlocking bookings that may not have occurred otherwise. The incremental sales generated by online platforms are widely recognized as an essential benefit to the travel and tourism industry.

Challenges for Hotels

While online platforms have revolutionized the travel and tourism industry, they also present challenges for hotels. Managing their online reputation and navigating complex commission structures are just a few examples. Hotels must strike a balance between utilizing online platforms to their advantage and ensuring they remain profitable, particularly given the notoriously tight margins in the industry.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

As the industry continues to evolve, hotels must adapt to the changing landscape of digital technology and online booking channels to remain competitive and attract diverse clients. Global digital presence has become mission-critical for hotels to attract international travelers. Below are some new platforms that recently release that might be useful for people working in the Hotel industry

Also Read: The Power of Paid Advertising for Hotels: Understanding Your Options [2024]

Performance Max Campaign for Hotel

the new google ads feature performance max

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, hotels in Bali must adapt and optimize their marketing strategies to stay competitive. One effective strategy that has emerged is the Performance Max campaign, which utilizes Google Ads to maximize the reach of a hotel’s marketing efforts.

The Performance Max campaign is designed to help hotels drive more bookings by displaying their ads across multiple Google properties, including Search, Display, YouTube, and Discover. This approach allows hotels to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to their website.

One of the key benefits of the Performance Max campaign is its ability to optimize ad performance in real-time. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, the campaign automatically adjusts bids and targeting based on factors such as user intent and conversion likelihood. This helps hotels to achieve their desired outcomes more efficiently and effectively.

Another advantage of the Performance Max campaign is its ability to measure results in real time. This allows hotels to track the performance of their ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. Hotels can see which keywords, targeting, and ad formats are driving the most conversions and adjust their campaigns accordingly. This allows hotels to track the performance of their ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns.

Overall, the Performance Max campaign is a powerful tool for hotels looking to adapt to the changing digital landscape in Bali. By utilizing the latest technology and strategies, hotels can maximize their marketing efforts and attract more bookings from a wider audience.

Hotel Ads from Google

Another powerful tool in digital hotel distribution is Hotel Ads from Google. This platform allows hotels to showcase their properties in a prominent position within Google search results, with features such as photos, descriptions, reviews, and pricing information displayed to potential guests.

Hotel Ads can be targeted to specific geographic regions, demographics, and even travel dates, making them a highly effective way to reach the right audience at the right time. By leveraging Google’s vast user data and sophisticated algorithms, Hotel Ads can deliver highly personalized and relevant results to travellers searching for accommodations.

One key advantage of Hotel Ads is that hotels only pay when a user clicks on their ad, meaning that marketing spend is directly tied to measurable results. This can help hotels to optimize their marketing budget and drive higher returns on investment.

Hotel Ads also integrates with other Google tools, such as Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, allowing hotels to track and analyze user behaviour and engagement with their ads. This data can then be used to refine targeting further and optimize ad campaigns for maximum performance.

In summary, Hotel Ads from Google offer a powerful and effective way for hotels to increase their visibility and reach potential guests in a highly targeted and personalized way. By leveraging the power of Google’s vast user data and sophisticated algorithms, hotels can optimize their marketing spend and drive higher returns on investment.

Also Read: Google Hotel Ads Guide: A Comprehensive Guide For Hoteliers 2024


In conclusion, digitalization is shaping hotel distribution strategies in 2024. A robust digital presence and utilizing online platforms are critical to attracting international travelers. While these platforms present challenges for hotels, the benefits of incremental bookings and increased sales cannot be ignored. Hotels must adapt to the changing digital technology landscape to remain competitive and profitable.

Let’s start your hotel distribution strategy this year. Increase brand awareness and conversion for your hotel business with an accurate marketing strategy. SATUVISION has years of experience in the Hospitality industry and has succeeded in providing the best digital solutions for the hospitality business. From high-quality hotel video marketing, Social Media Marketing to Website Development, create your digital presence for your hotel brand now with us today!

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